Our site will help you get the daily Wordle words you need everyday between midnight and 2 am EST time for early birds so you only have to login, make your payment and the word of the day will be emailed to you within 15 minutes...!
Wordle of the Day!
For Fun
Boast to your friends and let them think you are the smartest individual on Earth, heck! maybe you'll get to impress the girl you always liked and she'll fall for your brains.
For Business
Don't tell me you didn't think about reselling your daily words and making an extra buck or two...I'd say why not, once you benefit from it first let someone else have fun but pass it on to the next person with the required fees.
For Competition
Now, for some serious moolah, get together with your friends and let them ante up, set up a ten-minute limit to solve the puzzle but since you already have the winning word, wait 30 seconds and then yell, I got it...!, of course, you get to collect the pool of dough.
For Ukraine
Fifty (50) percent of the proceeds will go towards helping the devastated country by the communist regime, "Those who live by the sword, die by the sword" may just apply in this case for the government of Russia with such horrendous acts of war crimes the people of Ukraine did not need.
For the Right to get by
We do what we can to survive in this World so other than the purpose of extending a helping hand to the oppressed, one can also fight to put a piece of bread on the table, and mind you, my goal is not destabilizing the system nor having any political agenda, it is basically humanitarian.
For the Hell of it
If none of the aforementioned reasons will conquer your heart, then this one will definitely make you happy, being not the one intended to place as the main reason since I find the purposes at the beginning quite validating, and in the end, just have fun...!.
Wordly Man,
Fun Purveyor
Get your Wordle WORDS here...!
Our site will help you get the daily Wordle words you need everyday between midnight and 2 am EST time for early birds so you only have to login, make your payment and the word of the day will be emailed to you within 15 minutes...!
Actually, you can buy your Wordle word anytime, day or night but most people will be way ahead of you anyways :-(
IMPORTANT...! Your words will be sent to the email address shown on your Paypal account...!